Do You, Sis

Have you ever felt like you've been called to do more?

That maybe just maybe if you took a leap of faith and followed your heart that you'd start to begin to do more things that really make your heart happy.

Not allowing the fear of others or failure to tie you down.

That if you chose to share your story and be open and honest it may just help or influence others to be themselves or to do more of what they love.

This is me.

I took that leap of faith in January by deciding to start my very own podcast.

A women's empowerment podcast where we talk about all the things us women do on a daily basis.

This podcast has allowed me to grow in more ways than I can even begin to explain.

Am I or is it perfect? Absolutely not. Nor will it ever be.

But I am so grateful and so very hopeful that I can always be true to myself and encourage others to do the same.

That regardless of what others think, say, feel or do that YOU are beyond capable of doing what it is that you feel like you are being called to do.

So here is your sign

To never sell yourself short of what it is that you feel like you're meant to do.

To never give up.

To always remain faithful.

And run like hell to chase that dream of yours.

We only get one chance.

So why not just "Do You, Sis" because no one else's opinion matters!